What if the book I want is not owned by the Novi Library, but is owned by another library?
Public Library
Library Questions
You may request that a library that owns the book, and is willing to lend it, send it to the Novi Library for you. When the book arrives at Novi, we will notify you by email, phone or mail. To place a request for a book, you can use our Web Catalog and the "Place Hold" button for the book you want. You will need a valid Library card and pin. Or, you may call us or stop by the Information Desk, and a librarian will be happy to assist you. Keep in mind that not all materials can be interloaned from other libraries. If you have questions, feel free to contact us. If you send another person to pick up the item, that person must bring the notification or your library card in order to check out the item.
Updated 1/3/2013 1:57 PM